
Frequently Asked Questions

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1. 教科書について | About the Textbook


Please refer to “Features of the Textbook” on this website.

『ポップカルチャー NEW & OLD: ポップカルチャーで学ぶ初中級日本語』は、初級後半・中級レベルの日本語学習者が、日本のポップカルチャーについて学びながら、日本語を勉強するための教科書です。便宜上、ここでは「初級」「中級」という用語を以下の定義で使用しています。

  • 初級レベルの学習者
  • 中級レベルの学習者

POP CULTURE NEW & OLD: Elementary and Intermediate Japanese Through Pop Culture is a textbook for latter elementary- and intermediate-level Japanese learners to study the language while learning about Japan’s popular culture. Here, the terms “elementary” and “intermediate” level are defined as below for convenience purposes.

  • Elementary-level learners:
    Learners studying Japanese using an elementary-level Japanese-language textbook (Genki, Nakama, Youkoso, Minna no Nihongo, etc.).
  • Intermediate-level learners:
    Learners who have completed an elementary-level textbook and are studying Japanese with an intermediate-level textbook.


The language level of the reading materials of this textbook is controlled so that learners who have studied early elementary-level Japanese can read it. It may feel difficult at first, but if a learner continues reading, it will gradually feel that it’s possible to read the materials with the Japanese they currently know. They can also quickly search for not-yet-learned or forgotten vocabulary and kanji because they have the ability to use reading support tools like electronic dictionaries and pop-up dictionaries. Reading a large amount of Japanese, such as that found in this textbook, when a learner is at an elementary level, is a very effective learning method for reaching the intermediate level. Please bear in mind that a sufficient amount of understandable content is an essential component for foreign language learners of all levels.

『ポップカルチャー NEW & OLD』は2017年3月24日に刊行されました。ご購入については、くろしお出版社の「書籍の購入について」のページをご覧下さい。

POP CULTURE NEW & OLD was published on March 24, 2017. Information on where to purchase the textbook can be found on this page.

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